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Category: National University of Singapore

Back home?

It’s been a pretty consistent theme in my life that I don’t feel an intimate connection to a home, a place of belonging, nostalgia,...
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Singapore lies 1.5 degrees from the equator and has a tropical rainforest climate with temperatures that constantly linger around 30 degrees Celcius. Naturally, bugs...
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Being sick while abroad

It’s true that when you fall ill while away from your home and family, that’s when you start feeling homesick the most. I have...
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Navigating Singlish as an English-speaking foreigner

While several of my exchange student friends have noted that one of their main reasons for choosing Singapore as their study abroad destination is...
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Rediscovering my identity abroad

As I mentally prepare myself for study abroad at NUS, I reflect back on my first study abroad experience – to here, America, 10...
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New memories with new friends

Since arriving home, tons of people have asked me about my time in Singapore, expecting lengthy answers about traveling, experiencing new cultures, and eating...
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A tropical Christmas

A tropical Christmas fast approaches and rests in my heart in a cozy way. In my last week I have visited the extensive flora...
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Toast, eggs, coffee

I will not be shy about admitting that I have found the love of my life here in Singapore. He has arrived to me...
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My professors actually look like me…?

Unlike the many exchange students I’ve met in Singapore, who often tell me about how conspicuous they feel in their classes, I’m happy to...
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A beautiful city built by kind people

The more I live and learn about Singapore, the more I believe that it was built by kind people. By that I am referring to...
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