Final In-country Blog Post
Posted December 21, 2015
What better way to end my in-country blogging career than to ramble and free-associate random things about Hong Kong and my exchange? Sure, there...Posted December 21, 2015
What better way to end my in-country blogging career than to ramble and free-associate random things about Hong Kong and my exchange? Sure, there...Posted December 21, 2015
Disclaimer: This will be one of my snarkier blog posts since I just finished a final. I don’t mean any offense, everything is a...Posted December 15, 2015
In this post I’m going to try to sum up what I’ve learned and seen of Hong Kong’s culture duringg my time at HKUST....Posted December 7, 2015
Dear readers, You will not believe where I am right now. I am currently on an overnight train in Vietnam. With two friends, we...Posted November 30, 2015
by Victor Lui Hello my Awesome Readers, With the addition of this blog post, it took me awhile to decide what to write...Posted November 30, 2015
Dear readers, This blog post, I wanted to focus the topic of discussion towards self-reflection. At this point in my exchange period, the term...Posted November 30, 2015
Hello dear readers, I am back with a new post, a new update! Believe me when I say that traveling is a luxury. It’s definitely something...Posted November 30, 2015
Dear readers, People say that traveling opens your mind, changes your perspective, and changes you. As I first stepped foot off my plane and...Posted November 2, 2015
As promised, this post will talk about my trip to some villages around Guangzhou as part of “Exploring Chinese Culture Through Fieldwork.” The trip...Posted October 30, 2015
My favorite class here has been “Exploring Chinese Culture through Fieldwork.” It is a cultural anthropology class focused on Southern China and Hong Kong....