“All Abooooooard!!”
Posted July 6, 2016
“Hijole!!” The term is Mexican slang for describing something surprising. This is an expression I quickly picked up from our cuates here at Universidad...Posted July 6, 2016
“Hijole!!” The term is Mexican slang for describing something surprising. This is an expression I quickly picked up from our cuates here at Universidad...Posted October 10, 2015
by Annalie Jiang After living in the suburbs my entire life, transitioning to a city as grand as Paris has been completely eye-opening...Posted September 21, 2015
It’s now been one month since I landed in Paris, and it’s been a whirlwind. Although I was told that France would be an...Posted September 21, 2015
Hi everyone, last blog entry. It’s been two weeks since I got back to the US, and I’ve had some time to reflect about...Posted September 8, 2015
The folks at IPD warned us explicitly not to overlap blogs about Kruger National Park. And between Iheoma, Emily, and I — it appears...Posted August 7, 2015
The first round of classes are over now, and we’re 3.5 weeks into the program. Time for a break, and about two-thirds of the...Posted July 27, 2015
Having been in China for a little over a month now, the single strongest impression I have of the country is its massive population....Posted July 27, 2015
One thing that I have since learned during my five month stay in Beijing is just how temperamental the weather is. The scorching morning...Posted March 30, 2015
Thanks to some technical difficulties back in the States, I am currently writing you all from an internet cafe called WOW in downtown Stellenbosch....Posted August 18, 2014
Chloe Harrington, Public Health in China, Summer 2014 I literally have 20 minutes until I am kicked out of my room here at Beida, and...