Looking Back
Posted September 14, 2017
It’s been about a month since I returned from my study abroad trip in Beijing, China. I’ve certainly returned to many elements of familiarity...Posted September 14, 2017
It’s been about a month since I returned from my study abroad trip in Beijing, China. I’ve certainly returned to many elements of familiarity...Posted August 24, 2017
I’m writing this post while on the Intercampus shuttle home after my last full day of work this summer. In my backpack are a...Posted August 11, 2017
Here we go, three weeks into the Humboldt University half of the course and I’m still falling in love with this city every morning—usually...Posted July 6, 2017
Hello! My name is Amy. I am a junior in Weinberg majoring in economics, minoring in global health studies and getting the integrated marketing certificate....Posted June 16, 2017
As I prepare to head to the airport, I go through my luggage for what must be the twentieth time. While I’m beyond excited...Posted August 24, 2016
Today I went to my last class at the Humboldt University of Berlin, and I was hit with the realization that my time in...Posted August 13, 2016
Hey guys, So as I just looked through a bunch of my photos from my trip thus far, it hit me that I have...Posted August 5, 2016
Hi Guys! So, I am currently sitting in a local little cafe shop, “Tomorrow’s Party Cafe” pretty sure it is called “Beautiful Time Cafe”...Posted August 2, 2016
As clichéd as this may sound, I feel as if Berlin has become a second home for me. I am (for the most part)...Posted July 17, 2016
“It’s been four weeks already?” has been a question that has gone through my head multiple times today. To be exact, tomorrow will mark...