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Category: Reflection

Liberté, Inégalité, Fraternité

Hi. I’m in France. Did you know France has a different society than the United States? Wow. Surprising, right? Sarcasm aside, I’ve recently been...
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To homestay or not to homestay?

Here in Paris, you have 2 primary housing options: living in a homestay or living at St. John’s University’s dormitory. From what I’ve seen...
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“How was South Africa?”

As I reflect on this spring quarter and even my first blog post, it’s becoming clear that this experience did indeed change me in...
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Saudade “is a deep emotional state of nostalgic or profound melancholic longing for an absent something or someone that one loves. Moreover, it often carries...
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One Month In

Bonsoir! It’s Sunday evening here in Paris, and I’m finally taking some time to sit down and stream-of-consciousness out some little sentences that will...
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Meditations on a Concentration Camp

The European Union Studies program took a trip to Strasbourg to see the Council of Europe and the EU parliament at Strasbourg. Before visiting...
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Reflections on a Summer Abroad

[I’d first like to apologize for the sporadic nature of my blog posts and updates, but I think the “organic” timeline that they show...
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Back in the US

I have been back in the United States for a while now, readjusting to life here after having spent 8 weeks in Mexico. Sadly,...
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Remembering China

Hello! I’ve been back on campus for a week now. I spent 2 more weeks with my family in Hangzhou and returned to Minnesota...
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Departure and Arrival

These past few weeks have been a whirlwind. I remember realizing two weeks ago that the summer was over, my summer job was done,...
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