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Category: Reflection

Experience, an intangible souvenir

Can you develop a habit in just eight weeks? Sometimes, a “Dankeschön” or “Entschuldigung” still slips out when I’m not thinking about it. Before...
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In the U.S. Again

The plane just arrived in America, but my mind’s still abroad. Already, things feel a bit disappointing and unwelcoming. As though my European adventures...
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Mexico Forever!!!

I have been back in the United States for two weeks. When I first arrived at home, I felt a little odd. Don’t get...
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More Trips!

Written on Saturday, July 28 These past few weeks have been amazing and eventful! For my Culture and History of Mexico class, we took...
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The Close of a Great Chapter

One thing I will never forget from my study abroad experience is the memories I’ve made and the lasting relations I’ve built with students...
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Prior to arriving in Beijing, I actually started my trip in Wenzhou in the Zhejiang province. I thought I would visit some family first...
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Land of migrants

More than 3,000 migrants die every year in the Mediterranean Sea. Among those who survive, most are sent right back home and never manage...
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A harsh lesson for humanity

A man jumps from one slab to another; groups of loud kids play hide-and-seek; a girl takes a photo of her friend striking an...
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Berlin the "poor, but sexy"

“Darf ich hier sitzen?” (May I sit here?), I ask a young couple chilling on a wooden bench. They pay no attention to me....
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All Good Things Must Come to an End

As I type this final blog post, it is the Friday, August 17, 2018. My final class was yesterday morning. It feels surreal to...
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