8,434 Miles from Home
Posted August 5, 2016
Well, this is it. After so many weeks of going to travel doctors, submitting forms, applying for housing, buying new clothes suitable for...Posted August 5, 2016
Well, this is it. After so many weeks of going to travel doctors, submitting forms, applying for housing, buying new clothes suitable for...Posted August 1, 2016
Anytime I tell someone that I’m studying abroad in Singapore, I get the usual comments about how one cannot chew gum or spit without...Posted June 30, 2016
While packing for this trip, I can’t help but think of how many eye-opening experiences I will encounter, and all of the adventures I...Posted June 29, 2016
Aloha! Thanks for visiting this blog. I’m Luis Cartagena, a rising senior in Weinberg, majoring in Earth and Planetary Sciences, and minoring in Global...Posted June 22, 2016
Hi I’m Vickie. And welcome to this blog post. This summer, I am so excited have the opportunity to study abroad with IPD and...Posted June 20, 2016
Hello! My name is Tricia and I’m a junior studying Sociology and Global Health at Northwestern. I will be updating this blog with stories,...Posted June 20, 2016
It’s 12:00am 4/20, and in 15 hours my flight will depart for Mexico City, Mexico. Before leaving for my study abroad program, Public Health...Posted June 20, 2016
Mauricio Gonzalez here: your one and only source (more like your one of many great sources) into the adventurous lives of Berlin’s Northwesterners. If...Posted June 17, 2016
In less than 48 hours, I’ll be in Germany, a country across the Atlantic and where I do not speak the language. The only...Posted June 16, 2016
Hi There! My name is Cheron Z. Mims. After closing out a successful junior year, I am now a senior at Northwestern University (whoo-hoo!)...