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Category: Culture

Hong Kong Food and Culture (part 1)

In this post I’m going to try to sum up what I’ve learned and seen of Hong Kong’s culture duringg my time at HKUST....
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A Very International Thanksgiving

Many of the apartments that our fellow students live in are pitifully small. My roommate Kelsey and I, along with our flatmate Sofia, were...
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Really, what is with all the little shops that only sell one category of food?

by Annalie Jiang   During dinner with my host parents, one of our favorite discussion topics is the comparison of the French and American...
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Immersion in Rich Vietnamese Culture

Dear readers, You will not believe where I am right now. I am currently on an overnight train in Vietnam. With two friends, we...
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What I Want to Remember

I want to end my blogs in France on a more serious note. I’ve been asking myself a lot recently what it is I...
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Finally Embracing Hip Hop

by Victor Lui   Hello my Awesome Readers, With the addition of this blog post, it took me awhile to decide what to write...
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The Halfway Point

Dear readers, This blog post, I wanted to focus the topic of discussion towards self-reflection. At this point in my exchange period, the term...
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The Beginning of the Journey of a Lifetime

Dear readers, People say that traveling opens your mind, changes your perspective, and changes you. As I first stepped foot off my plane and...
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Même pas peur

by Annalie Jiang   Of course this is still a fairly sensitive topic but as many of you know, it has been two weeks...
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Frenchness: a series of haikus

What does “Frenchness” mean Well, it is complicated Come to France and see Fashion is unique Based on individual But French is better —...
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