Registration at UCL
Posted December 15, 2016
Forget everything you know about registration at Northwestern. The process for registering for classes at University College London (UCL) is completely different. Enrollment appointment,...Posted December 15, 2016
Forget everything you know about registration at Northwestern. The process for registering for classes at University College London (UCL) is completely different. Enrollment appointment,...Posted December 15, 2016
A mosque in Singapore ^ I think if there’s one striking difference between the US and Singapore- it’s the diversity that’s here. Everywhere you...Posted December 15, 2016
Singapore is culturally known as one that has extreme focus on academics and grades. Therefore, it is no surprise that around finals week, the...Posted December 12, 2016
Greetings from Heathrow International airport! I left my host family about four hours ago and am currently sitting in Heathrow airport in London, in...Posted December 10, 2016
Finishing up my semester in Singapore is such a bittersweet feeling. It feels like I just arrived off the plane with my giant luggage...Posted December 7, 2016
Up until 6th grade, my family moved a lot. Ottawa to different parts of Toronto to Chicago. Every time, my mom always said, “home...Posted December 1, 2016
My host brother is singing dangerously loud in his room across the hall from me. I’ve picked up a new read for the daily Metro...Posted November 16, 2016
Hello from Charles De Gaulle International Airport! It seems like ages since I last introduced myself to you all. I will blame this...Posted November 15, 2016
If you want to stand on an escalator, be sure to stand on the right. If you wish to walk up or down the...Posted November 11, 2016
The other day, James and I were ambling around in our neighborhood, St. Germain des Prés. We were almost home, around the corner from...