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Category: Culture

Back in the US

I have been back in the United States for a while now, readjusting to life here after having spent 8 weeks in Mexico. Sadly,...
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Getting Ready for Paris

Over the summer, I worked as an intern on my local PBS station in Miami. I worked every day of the week and focused...
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Remembering China

Hello! I’ve been back on campus for a week now. I spent 2 more weeks with my family in Hangzhou and returned to Minnesota...
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Departure and Arrival

These past few weeks have been a whirlwind. I remember realizing two weeks ago that the summer was over, my summer job was done,...
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Expect the Unexpected

Everything works out. Everything that can go wrong, will go wrong. The two statements above are less contradictory than you may think. I am...
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Pre-departure post

The place I call home has changed so frequently and dynamically throughout my life that even now, I have difficulty choosing an answer. I...
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Looking Back

It’s been about a month since I returned from my study abroad trip in Beijing, China. I’ve certainly returned to many elements of familiarity...
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Missing China

Hey guys, I’ve been home from China for a few weeks now, but it feels like I was there just yesterday. During the last...
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Tschüss Berlin!!

So here we are, with my very last blog post of the summer as I sit on the back patio of my parent’s house...
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Second Study Abroad?

I have only been back in the US for a month and already I am packing up again, preparing to leave Evanston. I had...
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