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Category: Culture

Take the Time

One thing that has been interesting about being abroad is seeing how it is really up to you to define your priorities — want...
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Trip to Arles

As part of the Art, Literature, and Contemporary European Thought program, we got to visit the south of France. I have to admit, I...
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Nature and the forest

At the school I get to call my own for the next few months, there is a forest in its back yard. A real...
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Arriving à Paris!!

I never saw myself as someone who would get culture shock, even though I had only left the country once in my life –...
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Paris is nice, but Brussels…what a city. On a trip that is part of the EU Studies program, we skipped French class and took...
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Home (Bitter)Sweet Home

Returning to Chicago after eight, life-changing weeks has been very awkward. It is not awkward in the sense that I no longer feel comfortable...
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One Month In

Bonsoir! It’s Sunday evening here in Paris, and I’m finally taking some time to sit down and stream-of-consciousness out some little sentences that will...
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Meditations on a Concentration Camp

The European Union Studies program took a trip to Strasbourg to see the Council of Europe and the EU parliament at Strasbourg. Before visiting...
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Food is more than just sustenance

Some of you might know it as hot pot, but in Singapore it’s more than just that. “Steamboat” is what they call hot pot;...
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Reflections on a Summer Abroad

[I’d first like to apologize for the sporadic nature of my blog posts and updates, but I think the “organic” timeline that they show...
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