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Yue Wen Deng

A look back at Beijing

It’s crazy to think that just a few weeks ago I was in the capital of China, eating ridiculously cheap (and delicious) meals, taking...
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Goodbye, Beijing!

As I begin to pack up my room, the feeling is definitely bittersweet. On the one hand, I can’t wait to get back to...
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Why I Speed-Walk

Having been in China for a little over a month now, the single strongest impression I have of the country is its massive population....
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Pizza Hut and Other Adventures

In the three short weeks I’ve been in China so far, I’ve experienced a collection of firsts. Even though I thought I knew what...
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The country my family calls home

My name is Yue Wen Deng, and I’m a rising junior majoring in Biology and minoring in Global Health. Besides my love for all...
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