Looking Back
Posted September 14, 2017
It’s been about a month since I returned from my study abroad trip in Beijing, China. I’ve certainly returned to many elements of familiarity...Posted September 14, 2017
It’s been about a month since I returned from my study abroad trip in Beijing, China. I’ve certainly returned to many elements of familiarity...Posted August 13, 2017
As one of the field trips for the Traditional Chinese Medicine course, we were able to visit the Traditional Chinese Medicine department of a...Posted August 9, 2017
Outside from the daily classes of Chinese language and Public Health, there are many opportunities to explore some of the major tourist attractions in...Posted August 6, 2017
Even a year ago, I would have never imagined that I would see the Great Wall of China with my very own eyes, let...Posted August 1, 2017
Hi! My name is Josh, and I am a rising sophomore! In a couple days, I’ll be off to Beijing, China from Los Angeles,...