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Cheron Z. Mims

Northwestern University Class of 2017;

It's Good to Be Back!

Hello There, This is my last blog post! 🙁 (I know we had some good times). I have been back in the U.S. for...
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Foreign Farewell

Hello Everyone! I can’t believe there are only two days left in the program here in Beijing! It’s unreal how close the end is....
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Homesick Celebrity

你好!/Hello!! Welcome back to my blog! The last few weeks have been exciting and exhausting. While I’ve been able to visit various parts of...
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Only The Beginning

Hello Friends! Welcome back to my blog! I have been enjoying my time here in China at Peking University (北大). These first few weeks...
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We Meet Again!

Hi There! My name is Cheron Z. Mims. After closing out a successful junior year, I am now a senior at Northwestern University (whoo-hoo!)...
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