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Mandy Pokryfky

Missing China

Hey guys, I’ve been home from China for a few weeks now, but it feels like I was there just yesterday. During the last...
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Day 39 of 42

Hey again… I’m almost at the end of my trip and I am in disbelief that it is so close to being over. These...
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Moving from Beijing to Hangzhou

On Wednesday afternoon and Thursday morning, we took our final exams for Public Health and Chinese, wrapping up the first part of our trip...
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Woah, We're Halfway There

I have been in China for three weeks now and I am realizing that this is the halfway point of my six-week program… it...
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Procrastinating Packing

Hi! My name is Mandy Pokryfky and I just finished up my sophomore year at NU. A little bit about myself… I am majoring...
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