Coming on this trip, I thought and expected a huge increase in my abilities to speak Spanish. While I know the language pretty well because my parents spoke to me in Spanish, I wanted to clear up some questions I had about grammar rules. However, I felt that I haven’t learned much and that I am coming out of the program only slightly more knowledgeable than how I came in. I am a little disappointed with how little I learned as I thought the experience would be something else. This has been something I have discussed with the other students on the trip and most of them agree that they didn’t feel as if they improved their Spanish by a lot, however, we all agree that we feel a lot more confident speaking it in public. I think one thing that would have helped all of us improve our ability with the language would have been speaking to each other in Spanish. Once we left school, everything we said to each other and our conversations amongst one another was all in English, therefore we didn’t practice as much as we could have, which is our fault. While I felt that the program didn’t teach me as much Spanish as I thought it would have, I recognize that we are partly to blame.