Hello! I’ve been back on campus for a week now. I spent 2 more weeks with my family in Hangzhou and returned to Minnesota at the end of August. Leaving China was bittersweet, because I had grown accustomed to the lifestyle, people, and family. It feels very strange to be back and not seeing people on the program every day. I was jet-lagged for at least 2 weeks, simply because I took advantage of my time off and binge watched a lot of TV. Despite feeling ready to come back to the States, I found myself missing my family, the food, and the convenience of everything. Before departure, I expected this trip to China to be like the other trips I’ve taken there. In hindsight, I realized I had such a different experience this time around. I was not with my family most the time, had responsibilities like attending classes, and lived independently in a city that differs so much from the one I’m used to. Besides advancing my Chinese skills with learning hard literary texts and poems, I gained insight on the Chinese health care system and its traditional practices. These practices are such a vital part of daily lives in China. I was able to experience acupuncture, cupping, and Chinese massage. My absolute favorite part about studying abroad is the people. My class and I went out to get hotpot with our Chinese professor. I was not expecting to meet so many amazing people this summer, let alone become so close to them. This experience has been such a delight that I’m trying to find room in my schedule to study abroad again before I graduate!