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Say Hi to Shanghai!

Hello hello!

I cannot believe that I am nearing the end of my fifth week here. Again, time has flown by so quickly. And with passing the halfway mark means that I have taken my long week break! I chose to go to Shanghai. After living in both Beijing and New York, I never thought that humidity and crowds would bother me again, but Shanghai is a whole new level. Despite this, I had an absolutely amazing time in Shanghai. One of my favorite parts of the trip was visiting the Shanghai Ocean Aquarium! Just take a look at these stunning jellyfish!


I also got to meet up with a friend from Northwestern, and she took me to 城隍庙, which is a marketplace with really beautiful architecture and a lot of little shops that sell knick-knacks and delicious street food. It’s especially beautiful at night, because the shops have a lot of pretty lights.


Aside from how beautiful Shanghai is, I think what I’ll miss the most, however, is the FOOD. Shanghai is known for their soup dumplings, or, xiao long bao, which are just bell-shaped dumplings with a meat filling, and some soup. They are incredibly delicious, and although I have had them very often in New York, none can compare to authentic ones from Shanghai. I also tried something new, sheng jian bao, which are buns that are fried and have soup on the inside. They are the perfect balance of crispy and soupy and they are absolutely amazing! I am definitely going to miss Shanghai, even though their subway stations close at 10pm!


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