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Pre-departure post

Pre-Departure Post

With the date of my departure for Singapore creeping closer, excitement–as well as anxieties–continue to grow. Even though my housing, university acceptance, and visa have been approved for studying abroad, the unpleasant feeling of that “I’m just forgetting something” still lingers. Luckily, NUS makes things relatively clear and easy for exchange students to understand what they need, and now it is a matter of me being organized and timely.

Along with figuring out banking, prescriptions, and phone plans abroad, one of the more fun obstacles I have encountered is packing. Five months is a long and challenging time to pack for; five months in a completely foreign country with completely different climates and societal expectations is an even more challenging experience. As someone who is prone to overpacking, I am attempting to take the more minimalist approach. It has been, however, a welcomed change to pack shorts and tank tops instead of burly sweaters and long underwear. Whenever I tell someone I will spending the next five months in Singapore, almost always the reaction is along the lines, “Wow! How cool! It’s going to be so hot.” Hopefully, Singapore will live up to its name and make me forget about the Chicago winters.

Lastly, I hold much excitement and anxiety for meeting new people from around the world. NUS creates a Facebook group for exchange students that allows people to interact and post with each other. While I have yet to post myself, the variety of interests and people is exciting, albeit a little overwhelming. Similar to when I was a freshman at Northwestern, I am going to have to go out of my way and comfort zone to meet new people, create new memories, and have incredible times. I look forward to having some awkward small talks, quickly adding and deleting people on Facebook, and finding true friends during my time in Singapore.

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