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A Reflection

Hi everyone, last blog entry. It’s been two weeks since I got back to the US, and I’ve had some time to reflect about what happened this summer. My trip lasted longer the program, and I traveled in China for 3 weeks and Japan for 2, then finally left Asia. There was so much and it happened so quickly, it’s hard to believe that it all got packed into one summer. Here are some highlights of the trip for me:


During the program:

~ Playing frisbee in the middle of a Chinese mall

~ Zombies vs. Humans after 11pm on campus

~ Ping pong. So much ping pong.


After finishing the program:

~ Seeing a yak for the first time (Qinghai province)


~ Seeing one of the places they shot transformers (Chongqing)


~ Riding a motorcycle!! (In Guilin, my tour guide let me ride him around for the day, believe it or not!)


~ Seeing Japan. A must.


All in all, I’d highly recommend coming to China, and doing this program, and if you have the chance, traveling afterwards. It was a huge adventure and I met so many people that I’ll never forget, both in and out of the program. One of the best summers I’ve had by far, I’ll look back on it with such good memories. I’m really lucky to have gotten the chance to do and see all of this.

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