Now that I have been back at Northwestern for some time I don’t find myself missing Paris but I do find myself appreciating much of the things that I took for granted. But maybe missing something is the same as appreciating that which is no longer present. In any case, I miss the quotidian beauty of Paris and the feeling of novelty. Recalling my time abroad feels different than the typical memory. My entire year abroad seems to exist in a space almost separate from myself. I have gotten back into the Northwestern rhythm with such ease that at times it seems like 2017 never happened. That my time in Lima and Paris was only a dream or something I imagined. However, I reflect on myself. I think but who I am now and who I was before my year abroad. I see great changes in myself. I am aware that change has occurred around and without me, but change has also occurred within me. It is this change that assures me that my time abroad was real, that it was not only a dream, that it has left an impact on me.