I have only been back in the US for a month and already I am packing up again, preparing to leave Evanston. I had been studying abroad in Peru for the last six months. It was a great experience, but it was not the typical study abroad experience. Typically, a study abroad experience is characterized by being in a place with which you are not familiar, whose language you are learning and do not already know, and inn a country where you have neither friends or family. All of these were true for me in Peru. Now, I am preparing to study in Paris, but do not know what to expect. Peru and France are two very different places. I stayed with my cousins, I am from Peru, and I was already fluent in the language. Despite not knowing what to expect, I look forward to the next few months abroad. I am under the belief that experiences like the one I will soon have are the ones that if approached with an open attitude, can prove to be the most enriching in the end. I learned a lot while in Peru so I cannot say with certainty that this is the case, but I hope that it will be.