Hello all, I have realized that I am horrible at keeping you wonderful readers updated so please spare me. WELL, this week is the last week of classes at Humboldt University and I can tell you that I have gained so much in only 4 short weeks. I am taking the International Economic Law course also another German Language class. I absolutely love my IEL course. One the first day I was very nervous because for once, I was the International student and I did not know what I was up against. But, all my nerves went away when everyone had to do introductions. Everyone in that class was from a different part of the world (not even over exaggerating, except for the students in the NU Berlin program already). There were students from the U.K., Greece, France, China, Brazil you name it. It was so funny because regardless of how far away we all are across the world, we still are able to build friendships and talk about pop culture and funny videos that went viral on social media. All of us wanted to know so much about each other’s culture and attaining this knowledge keep me very exposed to the real world. Our professor, Professor Hanno, is really passionate about the topic so he made every thing sound all interesting (I mean don’t get me wrong it is great to learn but sometimes having to learn case after case can get a little bit overwhelming). Anyways, I met a few great people and I am hoping that I can keep in contact with them after the program. As for the German language course, I am perfecting my basic skills and the class isn’t too hard. We were somewhat ahead because of the fun NU German course we had 4 weeks earlier (Shout out to Wiebke). The area around the school is great because it is right by Alexanderplatz, Hackescher Markt, and Anlegestelle
So, now to the really fun stuff. My Birthday passed a few days ago and I am officially 20 yay!!!!!!! I was pretty excited that I would get to spend my Birthday in Berlin. It also happened to land on a day where the program provides group dinners for us so I got to pick the place. We also went to a beach bar called Yaam. I cannot tell you how much I love that place. The food, music, and atmosphere is great. I am grateful that I was able to bond with other students on the trip because my Birthday was actually a success. I really have made some great friends. Speaking of that, Laura and I have surprisingly backed away from the ice cream fetish that we had. This is sad because I am almost certain that we have not visited every single ice cream shop in Berlin. We have a few more days left so this is the ultimate goal. The group also went swimming in Wannsee. It was so fun and I would definitely go again. I have also gotten the chance to visit more museums and check out some cool art and all that jazz. The paintings were really interesting and I am actually thinking about painting one of them that I have posted in this blog. My last class is on Thursday and I think Humboldt is arranging a little party for the students to say goodbye. Whooooo party!!! Welp, that’s it for now until my next blog… I promise it will be soon.