Hi! My name is Maegan Ramchal and I’m a rising junior in Weinberg. I’m studying psychology and environmental sciences. I’ll be doing the IPD Public Health program in Beijing.
Right now I’m sitting in my room surrounded by half-packed suitcases and unfolded clothes, but in less than 2 days I’ll be in China! The last week has been spent frantically looking up different aspects of Chinese life that might encounter. I’ve been abroad before, I visited my parent’s home country, Guyana, when I was 4 years old, and I visited Europe when I was a senior in High School. But, this will be the first time I really get to experience life in another country.
Coming into college I had a mental list of things that I wanted to do before I graduated, and studying abroad was at the top. The Public Health program in China stood out to me because the classes seemed so interesting, I’m really excited to learn about traditional Chinese medicine! Also, I wanted to study in a non-Westernized country with a culture different to that of my own.
I’m both thrilled and nervous to be embarking on this adventure. I’ve never been out of America for so long and I am not completely sure what to expect. I don’t know anyone else going on the trip yet, I’m excited to meet new people and make new friends! I hope whatever awaits me on the other side of the world is great. But I know at the very least, its going to be unforgettable.