Hey hey! My name’s Laura Hernandez and welcome to my (soon-to-be) Berlin study abroad blog posts! I promise sporadic but hopefully ~fun and cool~ updates all. summer. long. so stay tuned because the best is yet to come!
So a little about me: I’m a rising Junior (what when did that happen) at Northwestern majoring in English Lit and Cultural Anthropology and recently also added a minor in International Studies. I’m originally from right outside of Philly, but on the New Jersey side, and I get aggressive about defending my home state so pls no dirty Jersey or Jersey Shore jokes, thanks. I have two brothers and two sisters who are the loves of my life and who I miss terribly when I’m at school–and I’ll miss them all for sure this summer too!
Full disclosure, I know next to no German, and I am leaving for Berlin in TWO days. Am I freaked out by that? A little. Do I know how this summer is about to go down in a country I’ve never been to and a language I don’t even know? Absolutely not. But let me tell you I am ready for the challenge. I have wanted to study abroad ever since middle school, and now that dream is actually happening, so that’s unreal. Berlin is such a rich city for art, literature, music, history, and so so much more and I am incredibly pumped to get to experience it all in just a few days. It is such a cliche to say that study abroad is one of the top life-changing experiences a student can have, but lately I’ve been really focusing on that and knowing that it’s about to become my cliche reality too, and I couldn’t be more excited. That being said, I should probably start packing soon and getting my life together. Feeling lowkey nervous but highkey thrilled about getting this thing started! Until next time, friends!

(p.s. I’m the one cheesing on the far right in the black NU cap yay go ‘Cats)
I’m so proud of you! I love you and I pray that God continues to guide you in his path. Enjoy and have fun while learning ?❤