In less than 48 hours, I’ll be in Germany, a country across the Atlantic and where I do not speak the language. The only background in German I have is the five weeks I avidly used a language learning app on my phone called Duolingo. From that, I only recall how to say basic things like, Ich Essen. From talking to other students going on the trip, I know I’m not the only one with zero German language experience, so that makes me feel a bit better. I’m still nervous about not being able to communicate, but I’m ready to learn and be exposed to the language.
I am also ready to be exposed to all the things Berlin and Germany have to offer. I’ve been waiting for the day I arrive in Berlin since the end of winter quarter. Now, that day is only less than 48 hours away, and the anticipation is killing me.
As the time to leave gets closer, I can’t help but begin to miss my family, friends, and Chicago. However, It’s time to explore and experience new and exciting things. Chicago will always be home, but maybe Berlin will be too.