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Losing my iPhone

During the last week of classes I lost my iPhone in the morning rush to class. That morning I had a quiz for German 101 and so I decided to study some material on the bus to class. As I was on the bus, I put my iPhone on the seat next to me. When the stop came up to get off, I forgot to grab my phone. I didn’t realize I left my iPhone on the bus until I w11753766_1632937163657227_1759701513_nas on a train to class. At that point I realized that I messed up pretty badly. I had to resist the urge to chase after my phone since I knew it would be a hopeless cause considering how many buses there are for that particular line.

When I got to class I told my German instructor about what happened. He was able to get someone to get in contact with the bus company and told me that if someone found my phone, it would appear in an online database. At that point I thought my chances of finding my phone were slim. I’ve lost my phone before and I didn’t get it back so I wasn’t expecting anything different.

Once I found out about the online database, I checked it hourly. I was hoping that my phone would appear. After checking the database about ten times that day I decided to give up once it was later into the evening. My hopes of getting my phone back were severely diminished once the first day passed and my phone did not appear in the database. I knew that if my phone hadn’t turned up by the second day then I probably wouldn’t be getting my phone back.

The first thing I did the morning after losing my phone was check the online database. As my luck would have it, my phone still hadn’t been identified. At that point I became even more worried because it was almost the afternoon. I decided to forget about my phone for a bit (how ironic) to relieve some of the stress. At five o’clock I checked again. This time a phone similar to mine that was lost on the same line appeared! I was extremely excited. I knew that it was most likely my phone.

Turns out that it was my phone! I cannot thank the person who found my phone enough. I was prepared to accept the fact that I might not get my phone back. After losing my phone and getting it back, I will make sure that I keep better track of it. Thank you Berlin for being kind to me!


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