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Remembering Mauer Park

Britt Jordan, NU in Berlin, Summer 2014

With one month standing between Berlin and myself now, the full impact of my summer abroad has finally and fully settled. When I think about Germany, a varied rush of emotions charges at me: excitement, apprehension, and elation. Of these, however, the greatest feeling is longing. I go throughout my day and cannot help but think at least once or twice about the things I did and the relationships I made. While it is great to be back in the United States, I am always wondering what is happening in Berlin right now or what exciting events or experiences I am missing.

The amphitheater in Mauer Park was packed with a tough, but hilarious crowd.

One memory of Berlin persists in my mind more than all the others. On the last Sunday before we departed from Berlin, a group of us headed to Mauer Park in Prenzlauer Berg for the weekly flea market. When we first arrived at the market, we immediately heard the clamor of several street performers dancing, singing, and generally entertaining captive audiences. As we swam through crowds of Berliners and visitors alike, the scents and sights of food stands wafted through the air. We eventually arrived at a packed outdoor amphitheater where contestants would try to impress everyone with their karaoke skills. We watched others make fools of themselves and even saw someone from our own group try his hand at singing as well. I think this memory was so meaningful to me because it was just a regular day in Berlin for our group; the simple pleasure of being with my friends in an incredible city was enough to make me feel safe and content.

I can’t believe my amazing summer is over, but I know it won’t be the last I see of Germany, especially Berlin.

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