Media Usage as a Political Weapon for Feminists in South Asian Societies

Media consumption leads to political persuasion. The more people use media platforms for news, the more their political views will be influenced. The common theme that derived from the ideas and concepts across the coursework in Media and Politics was about the political representation of a subject in media, for example, feminism representation in media. How have feminist approaches in the South Asian community developed over time through media in diplomacy? The political power of media has existed since the beginning of mass media but it is the way it has been handled by communities over time that has allowed space for change. While media plays a role in conveying these constructs, it also has the power to influence the alternative to the mass. The following courses derived the thematic link of how media is used as a political weapon, especially for feminists in South Asian societies, and looks at the example of Malala Yousafzai, a Pakistani activist who began her fight for the basic rights to education in 2008 at a local press club.

Faculty mentor: Prof. Banu Akdenizli