Media Coverage of Muslims Leading Up to the 2016 Elections
Can the media influence electoral behavior and outcomes? A theme I have identified during my academic journey towards the Media and Politics minor is the power of the media in influencing the way people perceive a specific group, and how this can in turn influence the way they vote. For example, constant negative coverage of Muslims by the American news network misinforms many Americans about Muslims and Islam. When elections come, this misinformation has the power to influence its outcomes. As we witnessed with President Donald Trump, his Islamophobia rhetoric and agenda allowed him to win voters in a number of key swing states. Thus, combined with a powerful narrative, the media can influence the way people vote. With the rise of right-wing populism elsewhere in the world, this phenomenon is likely to be more and more commonplace, and hence it is ever more important to understand its effects.
Faculty mentor: Abraham Abusharif