Media censorship of the Palestinian content during Sheikh Jarrah clashes on Instagram

Social media platforms are not only used for day-to-day communication but have grown to become important news outlets- a quick way of spreading and engaging in important discourse- and most importantly key catalysts of social movements. Preventing certain groups from using or sharing content related to battles they go through every single day, or censoring this content, is a form of repression by platforms that claim to be unbiased and by ones that promote freedom of expression. Furthermore, restricting the area under which this content could be viewed will certainly slow down people’s reactions towards the issues at hand. Lastly, opening up these platforms for one end rather than both ends, and allowing only certain content to be uploaded and without the other, certainly does affect the public opinion since that is the only content they receive. In this presentation I will be reviewing the case of censorship of the Palestinian conflict by Instagram, specifically during the Sheikh Jarrah clashes. This will demonstrate the importance of these platforms, ways in which the content concerning the issue is being targeted, and finally the effects of social movements and reactions towards them.

Faculty mentor: Professor Yehia A. Mohamed

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