National Approaches to Foreign Branding: Two Middle East Case Studies

In our highly globalized and interdependent world, nations are increasingly seeking to distinguish themselves in every possible way, and one way to achieve that has been through nation branding. Not only that, but nation branding is able to facilitate a state’s effort in achieving its national interests and strategies, whether it was a small state or a powerful one. Therefore, states are notably resorting to nation branding to create a positive image for themselves and gain the advantages such image produces. The ways and the fields in which states have concentrated their branding efforts vary, and their successes and failures in branding also vary, since some states have been more successful than others. Two cases that are worth highlighting are Qatar and Turkey, which have had successful branding efforts in multiple spheres. Accordingly, this presentation explores the branding efforts of Qatar and Turkey and the various influential spheres they have capitalized on.

E-portfolio: National Approaches to Foreign Branding: Two Middle East Case Studies

Faculty mentor: Rory Miller