The Power of Alternative Media and Creative Resistance in Amplifying Marginalized Voices

Welcome to my Media and Politics Capstone e-Portfolio, where I delve into the power of alternative media and creative resistance in amplifying marginalized voices, with a specific focus on Palestine. This e-portfolio combines a comprehensive overview of courses I took as part of my media and politics minor, a reflective essay on my journey of discovery and learning, insights from co-curricular activities that have shaped my perspective, and a video presentation to visually convey my research findings.

Throughout this project, I explore how alternative media platforms and creative activism have empowered individuals and communities in Palestine to challenge dominant narratives and assert their agency. By examining the role of media in shaping perceptions and influencing discourse, I aim to highlight the ways in which marginalized voices can be amplified and empowered through innovative media practices.

I invite you to explore the various sections of my e-portfolio to gain a deeper understanding of the intersection between media and politics and the ways in which alternative media can be a tool for empowerment and advocacy.

Faculty Mentor: Prof. Banu Akdenizli
