The Shailat Genre: The Transformation of Bedouin Oral Traditions, Identity, and Expression in New Digital Spaces
This research project explores the evolution and socio-cultural significance of the shailat genre as a contemporary adaptation of traditional Arabic poetry. Rooted in historical poetic styles such as Ḥidā and Nabaṭī poetry, the shaila embodies the cultural heritage of the Gulf that is being re-oriented towards the youth and the digital space. This e-portfolio engages with the Shaila as a phenomenon for cultural expression and identity negotiation, whereby the youth can negotiate their culture, heritage, and oral traditions. Through performances and online communities, shailat remain as an important space for cultural and political expression, serving as a means for individuals to connect with their heritage and assert their collective identity- whether through the creation, dissemination, or consumption of the genre. This project argues that shailat symbolize a process of change, as the genre provides a scene for the synthesis of tradition and innovation, the emergence of cultural hybridity, and the adoption of technological tools. Moreover, this project also references the embeddedness of themes of masculinity, nationalism, patriotism, and militarism in the genre, which stem from various socio-political factors.
Faculty Mentor: Prof. Firat Oruc