The entire MSL program is still basking in the glow of last Friday’s grand commencement ceremony. It was a beautiful day, the Chicago theater is a spectacular venue, and everyone was in a festive mood. The graduation guest speaker was Judge Richard Bernstein from the Michigan Supreme Court; Judge Bernstein delivered a deeply moving and inspirational address. Professors Tiller, Barsa, and Litvak “hooded” our MSL graduates (placed the masters hoods on each student). For most of us, the highlight of the day was the speech by our very own Atefeh Namvaryshad. Atefeh was elected by her classmates to deliver the commencement address on behalf of the MSL program, and, wow, did she ever deliver. Her speech was fitting, funny, interesting and touching – it it struck the perfect chord. Have a look/listen here.
You can watch the entire convocation below (Atefeh’s speech begins at 34:30):