Read Me: Adjusted Lab Capacity

Original Message from Megan Wasson 3/3/2021: Hi everyone, Since June we have been operating under a 50% capacity as requested by the university in our lab spaces. In October, the Office of Research increased the maximum capacity to 65% capacity. We elected to stay at...

SVP3: Down for maintenance on Sunday 3/7

Original Message from Florencia Son 3/4/2021: Hi all, I will be taking SVP3 offline for regular maintenance (changing vacuum pump oil + alumina beads) on Sunday. Any samples still on the instrument at noon will be taken off. SVP3 will return back online by 10 am on...

New stools for Ryan 2035 Glovebox

Message from Zoha Syed on 12/22/2020: Hi all, There are now new, ergonomic stools for the users of the Ryan 2035 MBraun Glovebox. Please do not adjust the height of the seat or the chrome footring without asking me. It’s currently set to the same dimensions as...

Don’t forget to pick up your NMR samples!

Original Message from Yongbo (IMSERC) 12/17/2020: Dear Professors Stoddart, Silverman, Farha, Hupp, Wasielewski, Stupp, Marks, and Freedman I am writing to inform you that multiple NMR samples from your group members have not been picked up from previous warnings,...