Let Greg (farha-ofc@northwestern.edu) know if you have have any trouble accessing the below links

Farhomies Subgroup Tracker.xlsx : The information here is updated with the new subgroup names, subgroup leaders etc.

Farhomies Publication Tracker.xlsx :The first author of the paper needs to update this document before the submission of the paper. If this is a collaboration with another group, the contact author from our group will update this document. The link, DOI etc will be updated once the paper is accepted. Please notify your subgroup leaders that you have entered the information and they will check it for accuracy.
For grant numbers we only enter the grants that our group acknowledges, no need to add IMSERC etc facility acknowledgements. I have added a recent publication that acknowledges multiple grants from our group as an example. Let me know if you have any questions.
If you have a paper currently under review, please go ahead and complete the form as soon as possible.

Farhomies MOF Tracker V1.xlsx : This is the old version of the tracker. Please click the link and enter your name in the last column for the MOFs that you want to create a slide for.

Farhomies MOF Tracker V2023.pptx : This is the new tracker that needs to be updated.

Isotherms : This is the folder where you can deposit benchmark isotherms.

CIFs for the Group : This is the folder for CIFs