by nph3204 | Jun 5, 2020 | Uncategorized
Sent by Neil Schweitzer on 6/5/2020: Hello users! Selim and I have been in the lab this week checking on instrumentation and implementing new protocols for sample testing. Good news, all the instruments are in good condition! We are ready to accept samples for testing...
by nph3204 | Jun 5, 2020 | Uncategorized
Sent by Xuan Zhang on 6/5/2020: Hi All, Please remember to sign up in the Farha Laboratory Space Tracking spreadsheet if you are planning to work in the lab on weekends. Note that weekend space is for voluntary sign up on a first come, first serve basis, as we cannot...
by nph3204 | Jun 5, 2020 | Uncategorized
From NUFab, sent on 6/5/2020: Dear NUFab Users, NUFAB will open for users from 8am on Monday (6/8). Please carefully read the instructions below (or watch the video, Recommended). These instructions are also available on our website. It is important that we...
by nph3204 | Jun 3, 2020 | Uncategorized
Message from John and Salomon (Research Shop), sent 6/3/2020: Hello all, As you are aware, efforts are being made to open up the Core facilities. This includes the Research Shop and its Student Shop, Design & Engineering Shop, and Professional Shop components. For...
by nph3204 | Jun 3, 2020 | Uncategorized
Message from Jerry (NUCore X-Ray Facility), sent 5/31/2020: Hello Omar Farha, Hello, The X-ray Facility is open and you can begin making reservations in Nucore. We do have Pandemic Mitigation Procedures that you must follow. Read this at: Pandemic Mitigation...
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