Original Message from Megan Wasson 8/21/2020:

Hi everyone,


Just another reminder for everyone, Ben Williams from ORS will be walking through our lab spaces on Monday August 24th anywhere from 9 am – noon. He will be using a post-it-note on our lab tracker to help us monitor lab occupancy during this time and will be following university-mandated social distancing procedures. As I asked during subgroup yesterday, prior to Monday morning please take just a few minutes to tidy your areas / make sure there are no glaring safety concerns with your area (i.e. blocked eyewash stations, overflowing waste, waste not properly labeled/ secured). Let’s get it right the first time!


Additionally, the RSSI flame resistant face-masks just came in which I picked up for the group. I am going to wash them all prior to distribution with a light detergent as suggested by the manufacturer. If you prefer to wash your own facemask, please let me know by this evening. RSSI also received additional NMR tube secondary containers available for pickup outside ORS if you need another!


