Sent by Nick Huryk on 6/22/2020:

Hello Farhomies,


As previously mentioned in Megan, Ying, Joe and Omar’s email about readjusting space and some procedures between the groups, we will be adjusting some of our ordering procedures.


Please read through the following to familiarize yourself with these changes.


New Ordering Spreadsheet:

There is a New Ordering Spreadsheet that we will begin using starting Monday, June 22.

  • The spreadsheet is identical to the one we have been using – the only difference is that it is exclusive to the Farha Group.
  • Jointly appointed Hupp-Farha group members can use either the Hupp or Farha group ordering spreadsheets.
  • Please update your Bookmarks with the link to the new spreadsheet.
  • A link to this new document will be added to Group Resources page for your reference.


Farha Group Consumables:

Group consumables (gloves, vials, tubes, etc.) going forward will not be shared between the Hupp and Farha Groups. Each group will order these supplies separately.

  • For the Farha Group, Karam is currently responsible for ordering these supplies.
  • Future changes to this Group Job will be announced and available for view on the Group Jobs sheet.


Delivery Locations:

Since Ryan 1018 will be split between the Hupp and Farha Groups, please include “Ryan 1018 South” or “Ryan 1018S” in your orders to assure deliveries are routed to the correct lab entrance.

  • Example iBuy cart name: Huryk/Ryan 1018S/Farha/Chemistry
  • Deliveries to Ryan 2035 will not be affected by this change.
  • I suspect it might take some time for the Loading Dock to get used to this change so if you cannot find your orders, you may need to check Ryan 1018 North as well. We will continue to coordinate with the Loading Dock to make sure we can minimize this from happening.


Gas Tank Ordering:

There is a new separate spreadsheet for Gas Tank Ordering that we will begin using starting Monday, June 22.

  • This spreadsheet is basically the same as the previous version (minus some cosmetic changes).
  • It features three tabs:
    • Gas Tanks for Farha Group Instruments
    • Gas Tanks for Hupp Group Instruments
    • Gas Tanks for Joint Instruments
  • Please make sure you are utilizing the correct tab for your order.
  • If you need any assistance determining whether the instrument is a Farha Group instrument or a Joint instrument, you can always check the Joint Instrumentation Sheet (also linked in Gas Tank sheet for your convenience).
  • A link to this document will also be added to Group Resources page for your reference.


I will also be working to update the Group Order Guide to reflect these changes over the next week.


If you have any questions or concerns, please always feel free to let me know.

Changes like these always involve a bit of an adjustment period but if we all work together, I’m sure the transition will be a smooth one.


