Message from Megan Wasson, Sent 6/9/2020:

Hi everyone,

To help with the ease of tracking the real-time occupancy of the Farha group / shared laboratory spaces in real-time, we now have “ID” cards for all of the group members (thank you Nick for making them). I either gave these to you in person today or left them on your desks. While we have our hoods in certain labs, we know that some group members may spend part of their day in another Farha Group lab space for an instrument or briefly looking for a chemical. Each time you enter a lab space (even for a short period of time), you must place your ID card outside of the designated door with provided magnets (Ryan 2035 entrance, south side Ryan 1018 entrance, east side Tech KG21 entrance, and south side Tech KG30 entrance). Each entrance indicates how many people the space can occupy and you may not enter the space if maximum capacity has been reached. You must take your ID card with you when you then leave each space throughout the day. The Hupp Group is also following this policy. To be clear, these should only be placed outside of Ryan 1018, Ryan 2035, Tech KG30, and Tech KG21 and not placed outside of a shared core facility (like IMSERC).




We hope this is more helpful and reliable for everyone. Thanks for your cooperation!



Megan C. Wasson

Ph.D. Candidate – Farha Group

Northwestern University Department of Chemistry

NSF Graduate Research Fellow

President of RSSI (Research Safety Student Initiative)