Lightning Talks

Concurrent Lightning Talk Sessions
1:30 PM – 3:00 PM
Thursday, September 26

View Full Program
View Maps: Norris Floor 1 | Norris Floor 2

Meeting of the Slide Compilers: 9:00 AM, Floor 2: Arch Room

Development of Trainee Leadership Skills
(Floor 2: Armadillo Room)

Erica Smithwick (The Pennsylvania State University), PI
LandscapeU: student-centered transdisciplinary training
Paige Balcom (University of California Berkeley), Graduate Student
Leadership Lessons Learned from Starting a Project Recycling Plastic Waste in Uganda
Linda Silka (University of Maine), Co-PI
Drawing on Diverse Approaches to Developing Leadership Skills
Rich Feller (Colorado State University), Faculty (non-PI)
Building Strong Leaders Through Career Development
Allison Johnson (University of Maryland, College Park), Graduate Student
It’s not just about finishing as fast as possible! Developing students’ professional skills to ensure future success
Fred Gould (NCSU), PI
Getting off to a good start with an early immersive experience.

Improving Teaching and Learning of Science Communication
(Floor 1: Wildcat Room)

Hazel Davis (University of Massachusetts – Amherst), Graduate Student
Promoting scientific communication opportunities for graduate students
Steven Allison (University of California, Irvine), PI
Building communication skills for the 21st century
Elizabeth Anderson (University of Minnesota), Program Staff
Developing a Community Outreach Program for Science Communication
Beck David (University of Washington), Faculty (non-PI)
Using frequent low risk communication opportunities to provide experience communicating around science and software
Kim Wingo (University of Southern Mississippi), Program Staff
Sharing Science: Communicating Your Research
Byron Stewart (Northwestern University), Adjunct Faculty
Theatrically Speaking: What Researchers Can Learn from an Actor/Improv Teacher about Engaging an Audience

Effective Ways to Prepare Trainees for Success in Industry and Academia
(Floor 2: Lake Room)

Kate Sherrill (Colorado State University), Program Staff
Using your network to engage in meaningful programming
Padhraic Smyth (UC Irvine), PI
Experiences with Graduates and Industry from a Computer Science Perspective
Caitlin Grady (The Pennsylvania State University), Co-PI
From the academy to the gauntlet: An engineer goes to Washington
Shevaun Lewis (University of Maryland), Program Staff
Career culture: Creating a context for successful career preparation
Sarah Morgan (University of Southern Mississippi), Co-PI
It Takes a Team (you can’t do it alone)
Karina Nielsen (San Francisco State University), PI
Beneficial synergies and challenges of training students for multiple STEM career tracks

Program Measurement and Evaluation Approaches
(Floor 2: Rock Room)

Veronica Smith (University of Washington), External Evaluator from data2insight LLC
Focusing Sessions: A valuable stakeholder engagement and evaluation design tool
Cheryl Schwab (University of California, Berkeley), Evaluator
Measurement Invariance in Self-Report Assessment
Valerie Decker (University of Iowa), Evaluator
A collaborative approach to program evaluation for an NRT
Marie Paretti (Virginia Tech), Co-PI
Using Concept Maps to Assess Interdisciplinary Learning
Gili Marbach-Ad (University of Maryland), Evaluator
Using Formative Evaluation Practices to Promote Continuous Improvement in two NRT Projects
Andrew Grillo-Hill (WestEd), Evaluator
Evaluation of graduate program courses: going beyond the typical end of course surveys

What I Know Now that I Wish I Knew Then: Lessons from PIs
(Floor 2: Arch Room)

Julie Dickerson (Iowa State University), PI
What I Know Now that I Wish I Knew Then: Lessons from a PI
Cole Smith (Clemson University), PI
Collaboration, communication, and camaraderie: Building teams and culture
Lorenzo Ciannelli (Oregon State University), PI
Supporting Transdisciplinary Collaborations in Research Teams
Yuan Tian (University of Virginia), Faculty (non-PI)
Creating Classes for Training Cyber-Physical System(CPS) Researchers and Engineers
Debra Fowler (Texas A&M University), Co-PI
Widening the Web of the Individual Development Plan
Andrew Wilcox (University of Montana), Co-PI
Lessons learned in developing an interdisciplinary training program at the nexus of food, energy, and water systems

Increasing Retention of Underrepresented Trainees
(Floor 1: Evans Room)

Maya Trotz (University of South Florida), PI
Students of color who work with communities of color
Lois Trautvetter (Northwestern University), Co-PI
IDEAS for Attracting and Retaining Underrepresented Trainees for Data Science Related Careers
Caesar Jackson (North Carolina Central University), PI
Impact of an MS Bridge-to-PhD Traineeship Structure
Thomas Woodson (Stony Brook University), Faculty (non-PI)
Retention: Peer groups are key
Toccara Houston (Ga Tech), Program Staff
The Impact of Retaining the Underrepresented
Sara Mata (University of Oklahoma), Program Staff
Cultural Barriers of Graduate Programs

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