Name: Caili Year: Junior Major: Mathematical Methods in the Social Sciences, Economics CFS Program: Business Field Studies I originally was interested in participating in CFS because I wanted to have the opportunity to experience an internship in a guided setting. Through my other coursework, I gained a considerable amount of both technical and soft skills….
Tag: Junior
Jaclyn’s Experience With Social Justice
Name: Jaclyn Year: Junior Major: Psychology Minor: Latino Studies CFS Program: Field Studies in Social Justice My CFS quarter was one of my favorite Northwestern experiences. I interned at Upwardly Global, a non-profit organization that empowers highly skilled immigrants and refugees by helping them rebuild their professional careers in the United States. Since the Chicago…
Braelyn Enjoys a Rare Opportunity
Name: Braelyn Year: Junior Major: Psychology CFS Program: Field Studies in Public Health When I chose to participate in CFS I was hoping to take a break from the normal Northwestern quarter while gaining professional experience related to my major. Interning at the Institute for Therapy through the Arts has been a great opportunity for…
Laure Interns While on Exchange
Name: Laure Year: Junior Major: Exchange Student from Sciences Po Paris CFS Program: Legal Field Studies My CFS experience has been the peak of my year spent at the Northwestern University and has allowed me to discover a little bit more of the United States. I have not finished yet my internship at the Law…
Jane’s Delightful Spring Internship
Name: Jane Year: Junior Major: Anthropology Minor: History CFS Program: Field Studies in Civic Engagement When I originally decided to participate in CFS full time I had no idea how much joy it would bring me. I wanted a break from classes, to see the city in a new light and of course to gain…
Patsy Establishes a Lasting Relationship With Red Cross
Name: Patsy Year: Junior Major: Psychology CFS Program: Field Studies in Public Health My Chicago Field Studies quarter has been by far the best quarter that I have had at Northwestern! This winter, I was thrilled to begin my internship with the American Red Cross and yet, I had no idea that this would mark…
Victor Makes an Environmental Impact
Name: Victor Year: Junior Major: Economics, Environmental Science CFS Program: Field Studies in Environment, Science, and Sustainability My Chicago Field Studies (CFS) experience has been a very impactful, rewarding journey. Often under-emphasized, being able to engage in an internship related to my academic studies has been enormously helpful in figuring out my future career goals….
Harmony Takes Care of Our Community
Name: Harmony Year: Junior Major: Anthropology Minor: Global Health CFS Program: Field Studies in Public Health The Northwestern Medicine External Affairs Department strives to ensure that the needs of the patients, staff, and neighbors at Northwestern Memorial Hospital are understood and served by building relationships with community leaders, elected officials, neighbors and employees outside a…
Angela at the Chicago Bar Foundation
Name: Angela Year: Junior Major: Political Science, Legal Studies CFS Program: Legal Field Studies I am lucky to be interning at the Chicago Bar Foundation this quarter. My internship has been incredibly rewarding, and I am barely half way done with the quarter. At the CBF office, I assist various staff members with tasks and…
Rachael Enjoys Both of her Passions
Name: Rachael Year: Junior Major: Mathematics, Environmental Science CFS Program: Field Studies in Environment, Science, and Sustainability As a child I hated sitting still and staying inside all day, but as I grew up I thought being stuck inside for work would be inevitable. However, interning at the Chicago Botanic Garden has helped me see…
Claudia Explores the World of Law
Name: Claudia Year: Junior Major: Communication Studies CFS Program: Legal Field Studies This quarter I am interning at a small civil rights law office called The Blake Horwitz Law Firm. Despite having spent less than two weeks at the internship so far, I have already become fully immersed in the work the firm is doing….
Danette Collaborates at In These Times
Name: Danette Year: Junior Major: Journalism Minor: African American Studies CFS Program: Field Studies in the Humanities This winter quarter, I have a position as an editorial intern at In These Times magazine. The publication is an independent, non-profit magazine with a progressive political focus that centers primarily on labor rights. The office culture is…