Interning During a Major Company Reorganization

Name: Emily McHugh Year: Sophomore Major: Economics CFS Class: Business Field Studies Employer: Brinks Home Security This quarter I interned at Brinks Home Security. My job consisted of analyzing data, which basically meant I was working with Excel to create different reports for the company on a daily basis. One thing that happened this summer…

Diving Into Healthcare

Name: Michael Schwartz Year: Junior Major: MMSS and Psychology CFS Class: Business Field Studies Employer: AVIA In my CFS experience I worked with AVIA, a growing healthcare consultancy and member network firm. Going in with an interest in consulting but no experience in healthcare, I was unsure what to expect, but fast forward to today and…

A Summer of Legal Consulting

Name: Soren Rossi Year: Junior Major:Economics Minor: Political Science and Business Institutions JCFS Class: Business Field Studies Employer: HBR Consulting This quarter, I am interning at HBR Consulting, HBR is a consulting firm focused on sourcing and managerial consulting for law firms. The company also provides software solutions and information governance implementation as secondary services…