A Study in Growth: Shivam talks the CFS Workplace-Classroom Connection

Name: Shivam Year: Junior Major(s): Economics, Statistics CFS Concentration: Business Field Studies My name is Shivam Malik, and I interned Mission Measurement Social Capital. My main interest lies in the field of finance and I wanted to gain more exposure in equity research and financial analysis. Interning at MMSC was one of the most rewarding…

Victor’s Learning Experience

Name: Victor Year: Junior Major(s): Economics Minor(s): International Studies, Business Institutions Program CFS Concentration: Business Field Studies My name is Victor, I am a junior currently interning at Nielsen Perishable Groups. While this isn’t the first internship I’ve had, it has certainly been one of the most rewarding experiences I have had in the workplace…

David on CFS

Name: David Year: Junior Major(s): Learning & Organizational Change, Economics CFS Concentration: Business Field Studies I am really enjoying my CFS experience this quarter. It’s a unique opportunity to experience both the life of a graduate working downtown and also the life of a student studying in Evanston. I really love arriving at work every…

Annabel’s Career Path Discoveries

Name: Annabel Year: Junior Major(s): Economics, Social Policy Minor(s): International Studies CFS Concentration: Business Field Studies My internship at Mission Measurement has exposed me to a new and emerging sector in the business world that I did not know existed. The company helps for-profits, non-profits, and government organizations measure and maximize their social impact in…

Andrew’s Experience With Shore Capital Partners

Name: Andrew Year: Junior Major: Mathematics, Economics CFS Concentration: Business Field Studies My internship at Shore Capital Partners has been an invaluable experience for me. I came into Northwestern knowing that I wanted to get as much experience in the financial services as possible. At Shore, I’m conducting research into the healthcare industry, building financial…

Archit in DC

Name: Archit Year: Sophomore Major: Political Science Minor: Science in Human Culture CFS Concentration: Business Field Studies     I have a multitude of thoughts about various topics relating to my experience thus far. For students and perhaps prospective interns, I hope this information will especially be helpful.   The CFS Classroom Experience and “The…

Jin Shares How CFS Helped Him Explore The Business Field

Name: Jin Year: Junior Major(s)/Minor: Economics, Computer Science/Psychology CFS Class: Business Field Studies Let’s face it – internship searches suck, but Karen and the rest of the CFS staff make it as painless as possible. CFS does a really good job in letting you explore your interests no matter what it may be. For me,…

Sungwan On His Experience With Ramirez & Co.

Name: Sungwan Year: Sophomore Major(s): Mathematics/Economics CFS Concentration: Business Field Studies My internship search was excruciating at the beginning because I did not hear back from any firm at the beginning, even after applying to more than 40 different companies. Karen has worked especially hard for us this quarter, and I thank her a lot…

Gary Shares His Internship Experience With Nielsen

Name: Gary Year: Senior Major(s): Economics & MMSS CFS Concentration: Business Field Studies Coming into this quarter, I wanted to do something that could bridge the gap between school and the real world. Having sat in classrooms for the better part of 11 quarters, I thought that the opportunity to take in some experiential learning…

Jae Shares His Experience At Groupon

Name: Jae Year: Junior Major: Economics CFS Concentration: Business Field Studies I am currently interning at the Groupon Chicago office, located in the same building that the company was founded with its 10 members. A company that once took up a portion of a 3rd floor storage house now occupies three floors of the building…

Doug Shares his Experience at Nielsen Perishables Group

Name: Doug Year: Senior Major: Psychology CFS Concentration: Business Field Studies I am currently interning at Nielsen Perishables Group, a market research company that focuses primarily on fresh foods; the office is located in the Irving Park neighborhood of Chicago. For those that have heard about Nielsen, this is another side of Nielsen that is…

Ariel Talks About Her Amazing Experiences at Groupon

Name: Ariel Year: Senior Major: Economics Minor: Kellogg CPU (Managerial Analytics) CFS Program: Business Field Studies When people show interest in my internship at Groupon, I often find it hard to tell them what it is like. It’s so different from a traditional business workplace in many aspects that one cannot just describe it—they have…