Slides for my short talk today at HASTAC 2013 in Toronto. You can follow the proceedings online, many panels being streamcast, plus on Twitter at hashtag #hastac2013.
Slides for my short talk today at HASTAC 2013 in Toronto. You can follow the proceedings online, many panels being streamcast, plus on Twitter at hashtag #hastac2013.
Hello fellow HASTACers. In response to my last post:
Andrew, Amanda, Kevin, and I met up earlier this week to talk about some possible directions for the HASTACers to take this spring. I’m attaching an abbreviated list of the points we touched on, to keep you all in the loop. Please feel free to respond to this post with suggestions, or to bring your ideas to the next NUDHL meeting. We’re hoping we can get all of the HASTAC grads here on board to make next quarter productive.
Also, feel free to use the #NUDHL tag on Twitter to keep the conversation going. You can find me, for example, @emilydvb (as I desperately attempt to become a tweet-er). Looking forward to all of us collaborating on the next quarter.
(Apologies for the messy form of these minutes!)
Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, 26 February 2013
Andrew, Amanda, Kevin, & Emily
Hello, fellow HASTAC grad students!
I’m writing, per Michael’s suggestion, to start a conversation about where we’d like to take the HASTAC program next quarter (Spring 2013). As we all know, this has been a busy two quarters for all of us, and I know some of us have scheduling conflicts with this quarter’s meetings. So in the spirit of making the most of our last quarter as HASTAC Scholars, let’s start thinking about what we’d like to accomplish this spring!
At the end of our last NUDHL meeting, we kicked around the idea of setting up a structured series of events and meetings for the HASTAC grad students. I suggested that we might take turns signing up for biweekly, informal presentations. I use the word “presentation” loosely here, because I was thinking we could take turns sharing our research with one another in a low-pressure atmosphere, as-is, wherever we happen to be in the research process. For example, as a first-year student, I’m still in the beginning stages of my research. So if I were scheduled to share with the group, I could bring in my evidence in its messy form (some blurry photographs of my archival documents, some more organized transcriptions that have been tagged and catalogued in Zotero, etc.). Then, I could explain to the group what I’m trying to do with my project, and open up the floor for suggestions from fellow grad students. This could be something as basic as how to organize my evidence more efficiently, or more complex like how to use a new piece of digital text analysis software, or more theoretically grounded like how to ask different questions of my source material. The point is that it would be relaxed and constructive for each of us — not merely another task, but something that would help us to engage more effectively with the digital in our own research. And we would do this in a grad-friendly atmosphere, because even while we are lucky to have some very accessible and friendly faculty in our NUDHL meetings, we all know that it can be a bit intimidating to share your work with established faculty when you are just starting out. We could approach this with the understanding that we’re all in different places — in the PhD process, in our encounters with DH, or even just in different disciplines. No pressure, no stress.
Similarly, Lisa mentioned that it might be helpful to also set up some workshops that focus explicitly on learning about new tools and technologies, where we could bring in a guest speaker and acquire some practical skills.
So, what do you think? Do me a favor and share your thoughts and ideas in the comments below. What would be helpful for you, so that we can make the spring quarter a productive and positive experience for everyone?
(Thanks in advance, and looking forward to collaborating with each of you!)
best wishes,
Hello, all —
I saw that Michael shared this link on Twitter, but thought I’d throw it on here for those of you who haven’t seen it. In her (brief) blog post, Yvonne Seale reflects on a recent presentation at the U of Iowa by Jennifer Shook, and thinks about the challenges of digital commemoration. I think she raises some interesting questions about privacy and the necessity of maintaining digital memory products. In the comments below the post, she suggests that we might think about the digital memorial as more of a verb than a noun, to emphasize its continual transformation/making. I think it’s worth checking out!
Yvonne Seale, “Love, Death, and Digital Memories” @ HASTAC:
Calling all HASTAC Scholars@NUDHL interested in cultural studies, here is an opportunity to participate in this year’s Cultural Studies Association conference in Chicago (don’t forget to x-post on NUDHL blog if you do this!):
The Cultural Studies Association (US) is looking for three HASTAC Scholars to participate in a pilot Digital Humanities Fellowship program. In particular, we are looking for three Scholars to help promote the work of CSA and to foster dialogue between the digital humanities and cultural studies. Using social media networks, DH Fellows will highlight relevant internet content (blog posts, news stories, videos, etc), promote CSA-sponsored events and projects (particularly our annual conference), and increase the organization’s visibility in digital spaces. In addition, DH Fellows will be asked to participate in a roundtable discussion on social networking and cultural studies at the 2013 CSA conference in Chicago, May 23-26, 2013. Registration fees for all Fellows will be waived.
If you would like to be considered for a Digital Humanities Fellowship, please email me (Megan Turner) at at your earliest convenience. Fellowships will be awarded on a first-come-first-served basis.
Megan Turner
Program Coordinator
Interesting discussion going on here on HASTAC:
The Future of Higher Education forum.
In particular: studio model, laboratory model, seminar model…what do you think for the future of NUDHL at Northwestern. Other reflections?
We are delighted to welcome our 11 (!) HASTAC Scholars @ NUDHL. The HASTAC Scholars come from a wide range of fields across the humanities and will be contributing to both the NUDHL blog and the HASTAC (Humanities, Arts, Sciences, and Technology Advanced Collaboratory) forums this academic year. The HASTAC Scholars @ NUDHL are:
CALL FOR GRADUATE STUDENT HASTAC SCHOLARS @ NUDHL (Northwestern University Digital Humanities Laboratory)
NUDHL, the Northwestern University Digital Humanities Laboratory, invites graduate students to apply for HASTAC Scholarships in connection with a 2012-2013 Alice Kaplan Institute for the Humanities Research Workshop. The research seminar is co-organized by Jillana Enteen of the Gender Studies and Asian American Studies programs and Michael Kramer of the History Department and American Studies program. HASTAC (pronounced Haystack) is the Humanities, Arts, Sciences, and Technology Advanced Collaboratory, an active website for digital humanities exploration and study that is funded, in part, by the MacArthur Foundation.
HASTAC Scholars @ NUDHL are required to participate in the yearlong research seminar, post blog entries and reflections on laboratory blog as well as the HASTAC website. They will also have the opportunity to share their own work and research in our workshop, on our blog, and in HASTAC’s active online forums.
Graduate students are welcome to apply from all departments and schools at Northwestern. Each HASTAC Scholar will be required to attend at minimum six of the nine research workshop meetings and will receive a $300 stipend, funded by the Alice Kaplan Institute for the Humanities.
The seminar itself is open to both graduate students and faculty members regardless of whether you are a HASTAC Scholar or not. Books and readings are provided for all participants. The seminars will generally be held between 12 and 3pm on three Fridays each quarter. Fall dates are Oct 5, Nov 9, and Dec 7.
The application process has two parts.
If you have any questions, please contact Jillana Enteen at <> or Michael Kramer at <>.