Opportunity: Cultural Studies Association Conference—2013 Digital Humanities Fellowship

Calling all HASTAC Scholars@NUDHL interested in cultural studies, here is an opportunity to participate in this year’s Cultural Studies Association conference in Chicago (don’t forget to x-post on NUDHL blog if you do this!):

The Cultural Studies Association (US) is looking for three HASTAC Scholars to participate in a pilot Digital Humanities Fellowship program. In particular, we are looking for three Scholars to help promote the work of CSA and to foster dialogue between the digital humanities and cultural studies. Using social media networks, DH Fellows will highlight relevant internet content (blog posts, news stories, videos, etc), promote CSA-sponsored events and projects (particularly our annual conference), and increase the organization’s visibility in digital spaces. In addition, DH Fellows will be asked to participate in a roundtable discussion on social networking and cultural studies at the 2013 CSA conference in Chicago, May 23-26, 2013. Registration fees for all Fellows will be waived.

If you would like to be considered for a Digital Humanities Fellowship, please email me (Megan Turner) at M2Turner@ucsd.edu at your earliest convenience. Fellowships will be awarded on a first-come-first-served basis.


Megan Turner

Program Coordinator


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