
A Guide to Digital Humanities
This guide to digital humanities offers a definitional introduction as well as many links to resources on methods, tools, publications, funding, and more, including information about DH resources at Northwestern University.

Chicago DH
To stay up-to-date and for more information on digital humanities events around Chicago, join the Chicago DH Google group.

“Digital” Events at Northwestern University
Search results from NU Plan-it Purple calendar for digital related events happening on and around campus.

DH on Twitter
You can follow the NUDHL hashtag on Twitter as well as #digitalhumanities, #transformdh, #dhdebates, #digitalhistory, #twitterstorians, #dhpoco, and more.

MIT HyperStudio



Debates in the Digital Humanities
This freely-available collection of essays was the foundation for the NUDHL 2012-2013 sessions and deals with a variety of practices and debates within digital humanities. The editors now publish an ongoing series of essays.