NUDHL Research Seminar Meeting 1

WELCOME TO NUDHL, The Northwestern University Digital Humanities Laboratory.

NUDHL fosters an interdisciplinary space for investigating the emerging role of digital humanities in faculty and student research, teaching, learning, public scholarship, civic engagement, and other relevant topics. Over the course of the academic year, the workshop will include discussions of recent scholarship in the field and presentations of research-in-progress by workshop participants. We seek to cultivate an ongoing conversation that helps members explore how to bring to bear the digital on their own research agendas.

The first meeting of NUDHL’s 2012-2013 Alice Kaplan Institute for the Humanities Research Workshop will be Friday, Oct. 5, from 12-2PM. We look forward to seeing you there as well as online at

Meeting #1
What Are the Digital Humanities?
Friday, October 5, noon-2pm
Alice Kaplan Institute for the Humanities Conference Room
Kresge Hall 2-370 (click for map).


If you have not yet registered for NUDHL and wish to be added to the NUDHL mailing list, please contact the co-conveners: Michael Kramer, History and American Studies,, or Jillana Enteen, Gender and Sexuality Studies Program and Asian American Studies Program,

See you Friday, Oct. 5, 12-2pm at the AKiH and online at!

Twitter Hashtag: #nudhl

Call for Graduate Students: Become a HASTAC Scholar @ NUDHL

CALL FOR GRADUATE STUDENT HASTAC SCHOLARS @ NUDHL (Northwestern University Digital Humanities Laboratory)


NUDHL, the Northwestern University Digital Humanities Laboratory, invites graduate students to apply for HASTAC Scholarships in connection with a 2012-2013 Alice Kaplan Institute for the Humanities Research Workshop. The research seminar is co-organized by Jillana Enteen of the Gender Studies and Asian American Studies programs and Michael Kramer of the History Department and American Studies program. HASTAC (pronounced Haystack) is the Humanities, Arts, Sciences, and Technology Advanced Collaboratory, an active website for digital humanities exploration and study that is funded, in part, by the MacArthur Foundation.


HASTAC Scholars @ NUDHL are required to participate in the yearlong research seminar, post blog entries and reflections on laboratory blog as well as the HASTAC website. They will also have the opportunity to share their own work and research in our workshop, on our blog, and in HASTAC’s active online forums.

Graduate students are welcome to apply from all departments and schools at Northwestern. Each HASTAC Scholar will be required to attend at minimum six of the nine research workshop meetings and will receive a $300 stipend, funded by the Alice Kaplan Institute for the Humanities.

The seminar itself is open to both graduate students and faculty members regardless of whether you are a HASTAC Scholar or not. Books and readings are provided for all participants. The seminars will generally be held between 12 and 3pm on three Fridays each quarter. Fall dates are Oct 5, Nov 9, and Dec 7.


The application process has two parts.

  • First, we ask you to apply for the HASTAC Scholars @ NUDHL program. By September 20th, 2012, please send a brief letter to <> with your name, affiliation at Northwestern, and a short description of your interests in the digital humanities. You will hear back from us within five days.
  • Second, once you hear that NUDHL has accepted your application, you must apply to the HASTAC Scholars program itself by September 30th, 2012. This is a simple and quick process. Instructions are at: You may use Michael Kramer, Jillana Enteen, or your own thesis adviser as a “mentor” for the application. Full details of the application process for HASTAC are at The home page for the HASTAC Scholars program can be found at

If you have any questions, please contact Jillana Enteen at <> or Michael Kramer at <>.