

Northwestern University Digital Humanities Laboratory (NUDHL) 

2012-2013 Alice Kaplan Humanities Institute Research Workshop

Workshop Focus

The goal of this workshop is to create an interdisciplinary space for investigating the emerging role of digital humanities. The workshop will include discussions of recent scholarship in the field and presentations of research-in-progress by workshop participants. We seek to cultivate an ongoing conversation that helps members explore how to bring to bear the digital on their own research agendas.

The group will convene three times a quarter to explore topics in the digital humanities during the 2012-2013 academic year. Additionally, the group will create a public WordPress blog, which will serve as a space for additional interaction, discussion, and elaboration of face-to-face gatherings. The blog address is: https://sites.northwestern.edu/nudhl/. Our Twitter hashtag is #nudhl.

There will be two reading-based discussions each quarter. The third quarterly meeting will provide an opportunity for faculty and graduate students engaged in digital humanities-related research to share work-in-progress and enrich conversations of this emerging field in relation to specific studies.

Questions for our meetings include:

  • What are the digital humanities?
  • What are the current central issues critical to the digital humanities?
  • What is the history of the digital from multidisciplinary perspectives?
  • How might digital possibilities assist or even reshape individual and collective research agendas?
  • How can we interpret the archive in the digital age?
  • How might the digital invigorate the research process by illuminating or even altering the connections between evidence and argument?
  • Other possible topics for exploration: digital natives; race and digital inquiry; questions of social equity; big data; collaboration; process and product; annotation and transcription.
  • Future developments? A concluding meeting and formulation of topics for future investigation.

Graduate students participants will be eligible for HASTAC Scholar @ NUDHL fellowships of $300 each and will be responsible for posting entries on the NUDHL website and connecting NUDHL proceedings with the online community at HASTAC (Humanities, Arts, Sciences, and Technology Advanced Collaboratory, hastac.org), a MacArthur Foundation-funded center of digital humanities discussion and exploration.


-Michael J. Kramer, History and the American Studies Program,


-Jilllana Enteen, Gender and Sexuality Studies Program, Asian American Studies Program,


Meeting Schedule

Meetings will take place monthly on Fridays from 12-2 at the Alice Kaplan Humanities Institute, Kresge Hall. Please bring your own lunch.

Fall 2012

MEETING 1. What are the Digital Humanities? (Friday, Oct 5, 12-2)

MEETING 2. Central issues critical to the Digital Humanities (Friday, Nov 9, 12-2)

MEETING 8. Research Presentation. TBA.

MEETING 9. Conclusions, Future Directions of NUDHL.